Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Online Advertising Exceeds $2 Billion

According to the "Online Advertising Expenditure Report" by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), online advertising expenditure in Australia has reached $2 billion. Well, this fact just reaffirm the obvious tendency and it makes us think this number will increase in the future. "Classifieds advertising expenditure was led by the real estate industry, followed by recruitment and then automotive," - reported IAB.

Therefore, we can hope for further growth in advertising expenditures and as a consequence some enlivening at these sectors. And Australia is not the only country to discover the trend. Classifieds websites related to auto, career and real estate industry all over the world will definitely increase their potential involving new markets and generating extra income for their owners. And while the giants of the on-line classifieds industry fight for their solid portion, small local classifieds websites continue to explore the potential and win their way to the top.

WorksForWeb is oriented to the recent trends and marketing forecasts and helps business starters to build classifieds startups worldwide. WorksForWeb offers a wide range of classified solutions: iAuto Classified Software for automotive industry.


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